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Welcome to our small little business.  We are thrilled, as best friends for over 20 years, to be able to lock arms and bring the community a place where they can get the attention they need along their health & wellness journey.

The name Cedar & Sage was brought to life one night on Shedara's couch over wine and True Crime TV.  Behind this name were the wishes and dreams of two girls. And now, years later, it's manifested into our real life. We are still pinching ourselves that we get to come to this beautiful, peaceful center every day and see people walk out feeling like a better version of themselves. Who wouldn't want to do that for a living? 

Our Professional T
eam is growing with talented individuals who we have vetted cautiously. We have been lucky to find those who align with our vision and goals for our clients. We are so proud of them.  

Also, in stewardship of the career we have both loved for so long, we have
partnered with a local Medical Massage Program to offer a space for student externs to perform their required clinical hours at our Center. What a privilege it is for us to get to pour into eager soon-to-be therapists and to be such a valuable part of their education.

With each little milestone and each addition to our team, we shed happy tears and little girl giggles because we are swelling with joy and gratitude.

We are truly honored that you have given us the opportunity to guide you within our scopes of practice to all the things we have learned over the last 15 years that we believe will assist you toward wellness.

From everyone at the Cedar & Sage family...thank you for trusting in us with your care.  We are dedicated to your well-being.

Shedara & Georgann

Meet the Team

With over 15 years of experience, you are in reliable hands.


Image by Toa Heftiba



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Shedara's attention to detail, knowledge base and experience stood out to me from the beginning. I have been competing in bodybuilding for 10 years, earning Pro status in 2019. I take my health very seriously and can always count on Shedara to figure out what's going on. I trust her methods and have always had success under her care. I highly recommend her to anyone involved in sports or training or just wanting to incorporate massage into their lives.

- Charlotte

Georgann's skill as a Massage Therapist is incredible. She has the knowledge and experience, backed up by certifications, to understand and tailor therapy to each individual client's needs. She is an essential part to the holistic team. I need to keep moving and functioning at my best.  I could not do it without her.

- Jason

Whether it be training for the crossfit Games/Competitions or just needing some recovery, Shedara was amazing at targeting my body's needs. She has a wide range of techniques that helped me continue training at a high level and kept me injury free while doing so. I recommend anyone go see her whether you're doing high-level training or just need some recovery and maintenance.

- Rich

I went to Cedar & Sage today for the first time. I got a deep tissue massage by Courtney and it was absolutely life changing! I've had quite a few massages (always deep tissue) and I have never had an experience like that before. She changed her technique based on the specific needs of each part of my body and worked through every knot. If you are feeling tense, go see her! You won't regret it!


Several years ago, I decided that I'd had enough of my chronic tension headaches and migraines and went for my first therapeutic massage. Georgann explained what she was doing and how it would help reduce my symptoms. I have since gone regularly for therapeutic massage and intraoral massage for TMJD and have enjoyed drastic reduction in muscle tension, headaches, and migraines to a degree I didn't even think was possible. After decades of migraines, I feel like I got my life back!

- Emily


As a crossfit competitor and gym owner, as well as a Navy SEAL, my body was always a wreck. I was introduced to Shedara in San Diego and the difference in how I felt and functioned improved not only my training but my quality of life in general.  I can't recommend her enough.

- James

My sons and I love the facials Sara performs. Amazing results for our acne and aging! Awesome experience every time!


I injured myself playing golf and the pulled muscle pain I was feeling didn’t seem to heal. My job requires that I spend a significant amount of time in my truck traveling which exacerbated my pain. After a few weeks with no relief, I made an appointment with Georgann. At my first session Georgann was able to identify that my Psosas muscle had been injured and the healing process began. I experienced significant relief of my symptoms after my first session, and after several sessions my muscles realigned and eventually healed. I still see Georgann on a regular basis. 

- Keenan

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